Thursday, December 18, 2008

It's on!!! My Entry

In my previous post I spoke of a little challenge between some friends of mine to take a photo ID. Here is my effort, I found it really hard deciding which one to submit for our little comp, but I ended up deciding on the edit with my eye on the lens. I am getting better at my editing, but not sure the eye on the lens looks 100%. Let me know what you think. The top photo is the one I entered, the second a different edit and the third is the original.

What the ID is all about: The items at my feet represent where I am at currently and what is floating around in my head at the moment. The photo's and a couple of trinkets represent the fond memories I have of my time (6 months) volunteering in South Africa, and the end of an era as I am heading home to Australia in a few days. One photo ([link] the B&W one a favourite of mine), a lens brush and lens cap - represents the improvement in my photography this year, a guitar pick (i just started learning), some pills - I have the flu at the moment :(, and a juggling ball (represents the fun ahead and doubles as an apology to a friend of mine who taught me juggling for forgetting to invite him to our little ID photo off in the first email I sent about it, though I soon remembered him!). Oh, and I represent me and how awesome I am :P

I looked at heaps of ID's for inspiration, here is the one that most closely influenced my pic [link]

Ehon has also made an entry for our little comp, it can be found on his blog at


Anonymous said...

u set such a high standard!!!!

Kurt Edwards said...

Hi Dan, good to see your still updating your blog. You are really capturing some good photos!

I am thinking about doing a post featuring your best stuff and writing about how I came to know as a creator!

Tell me what you think.. I've been trying to keep up with my blog and I must say, your last comment gave me a ton of encouragement to keep on it!

Thx! Hope to talk to you soon!

Dan said...

Thanks Ehon. When I said "it's on" I meant it :P

P.S I think everyone else missed the deadline without submitting a photo so I win by default! Yay for me and my hollow victory.

Thanks for checking by Kurt, glad to offer some support.

Anonymous said...

heh! you wish. i was travelling and busy so by default, im allowed time! and u had plenty of time to plan your pic. :P

i'll post my pic up asap but i'll still shout u an ice cream just because i am mighty impressed by the effort u've put in! but whose gonna judge who win between us both?

remember to send me the link about the eye thing u said earlier. and it was great meeting u!!

Dan said...

No problem Ehon, great to chat. Send me a msg so I have your number. As promised here is the link, it is a nice tutorial and has links to the full versions of the pic.
