Kate and I started to get pretty good too.
P.S. We were playing a game called (obviously) rocks or stones, can't remember which. You draw a circle and place a pile of stones in it. You throw one up in the air and before you catch it (you must catch it) you pull rocks out of the circle. You throw it up in the air again and you must push all bar one of the stones back into the circle before you catch the one you threw in the air. If you do this you keep the rock that you left outside the circle and go again, if you fail to leave out one rock or drop the one you threw in the air it is the next persons go. Person with the most rocks at the end wins.
We found it a little and spent an hour or two playing it with the kids.
i don't get it but!
Luckily I find it funny! Don't get what? You need to watch more Star Wars...
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