Here are the photos that Cate took during our trip to Umlazi. They look awesome and I am very jealous of someone who manages photos better than me with less effort and fuss.
I am editing mine now and they will be up in a couple of short hours.
I think this first photo is my favourite from the whole day!

Cate's foot, the kid's feet.

My take on it during editing. In theory it should simply be desaturated, I hope it appears that way on your computer. If not I am blaming in advance my monitor displaying the image too bright.

Thembisa's (she was the student who invited us to her house) youngest sister.

These next three pics are some more of my favourites.

The area is made up of 'informal' housing all built ridiculously close together, and made from whatever materials people could find. The walls themselves are mud (see the walls in the above shots) or sometimes bricks and the roofs are time, or asbestos. If they leave people throw patch them with whatever they can, see the mix of carpet, canvas, tin, wood and steel making up this roof, held there with an equally eclectic collection of weighty objects to stop the roof blowing away.

Yep, it's what it looks like! Just growing along the path to Thembisa's house. Thembisa was far less impressed by the novelty of it's open growth then Cate and I were.

Cate and I have an interesting dynamic, I have an unusual talent for making a fool of myself. Cate has an unusual talent for taking photos of me that compound the appearance on film of my stupidity. Case and point below.
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