Thought I would put up these 4 photos to demonstrate the difference editing can make to a photo.
The first is the original, there are a couple of things that I noticed in the image that I wanted to bring out in the final image. Firstly the eyes and smile of the kids, secondly the dirt on the kids legs.

Both of these next two edits involve multiple layers and effects and were obtained through similar steps. It was created with a slightly different contrast to the one below and in addition has an effect to give a softer look and another layer to soften the edges of the photo more, giving it the appearance of an older photo with less contrast.

Below is my favourite edit, the smiles are prominent and the condition of the childs shoes as well as their smiles/faces attract attention.

The below edit was an accident and scared the sh*t out of me when I saw it. I accidentally dragged a layer into the wrong spot (order) in photoshop with this rather disturbing effect. It freaked me out so much my eyes started watering. I thought I had found away to reveal the demons in a photo or something... The kid on the right still freaks me out to look at!

Thanks for reading.
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