I just called the post NYE 2009, but am wondering if it should be NYE 2008? I'm sure it is simple enough and it will make sense in the morning but at 2am I can't think to hard about it or i might die, I am so tired!
By now you've figured out that this is pics from New Years Eve. Ehon and I decided to do something a bit different for new years and went into South Bank (Brisbane) to take some photos of what was happening down there. I've never done this sort of stuff (at least not in OZ) before so it was interesting
A note for the people in the pics: Firstly thanks to all those who posed for photos and were happy to be in them, not one person refused me a pic the whole night and I enjoyed chatting to you all! I gave the address of this blog to a few people who I photographed, if you are one of them and would like copies of your pictures, email me at danbrennan1@gmail.com and I can email them through to you without the watermark so you can have them printed without my name plastered across them.
I have also had a random idea for my next project, possibly more random then taking photo's of randoms on new years eve. I would like to take photo's of the same people I took pics of on new years eve later on this year. It would be an interesting thing to do(sort of a follow up), so if you are one of the many people I spoke to and photographed on the 31st, drop me an email if you would be interested in a shoot. You can get a feel for my photography by browsing this blog.
Happy New Year
These first four pics were taken at Kangaroo point at about 1am after all the fireworks were finished and we were on our way to Sarah's party.

Ehon at Kanagroo point.

A couple at Kangaroo point who were really patient wating for me to snap their pics. They had a nice quite spot, I think I am heading to Kangaroo Point next year if I am in still in Brisbane. Drop me an email and I can send you guys the pics :)
It is also a photo manipulation and contains two pics. The foreground, fence, girl and city are one image. But in that image, you couldn't see the guys face as he was leaning forward and obscured by the girl. So I took a pic with him where you could see his face and inserted it into the other image.

A couple of shots from before the fireworks.
The first is a photo manipulation of 3 images of the same scene. One had the best shot of the city scape, the other a better shot of the people. The third had the boy with the lightsabre toy which I wanted to include. Yes, the kid with the glowing blue thing next to the guy in the white shirt wasn't there originally :) The boat has also been blended from one of the 3 images.

This one is a photo manipulation of my pics from the fireworks, contains about 7 different images. Unfortunatley the fireworks don't look anywhere near this good to watch....

The next two are of a couple of girls who were sitting on some steps at South Bank. They were fun girls to chat with. Not sure if it was because they were crazy or drunk, but I suspect both :P In addition to being cute, they were smart asses to boot, warning me not to try and take any up skirts!
If the girls are reading the blog, you shouldn't feel embarrassed to ask me out for coffee etc ;) I am accustomed to coffee and haven't had one since I got back to Australia so I am likely to accept your invite. When contacting me for coffee or if you just want the pics without the watermark you can find my email somewhere at the top of the page.
These were the hardest photo's to edit, but they came out good in the end. Unfortunately the slow shutter speed due to the poor light and not using a tripod meant they weren't as great as i'd hoped.

This next pic is a nice candid shot of a couple in the crowd.

There were some kids shuffling near a DJ both at South Bank, they were hammered but managed to dance pretty well.

This is one of my favourite shots from the night. I asked the guy to drop the sand into the water and it looked awesome. A fun shot to edit, amazing colours etc. Thanks to the guys and girls in the pic, drop me an email and I can send you a copy without the watermark.